University of Liechtenstein
What was to become University of Liechtenstein was founded in 1961 on the initiative of industrial pioneers and state officials, specialising in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
1963 the departments of Architecture and Civil Engineering were established.
1987 the evening school was converted to an engineering college, the "Liechtensteinische Ingenieurschule (LIS)" and was recognised in 1992 as a University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule).
In the late 1990s, the technical departments of Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering were replaced by the department of Business Sciences, including the institutes for Entrepreneurship, Financial Services and Information Systems.
2005 The University of Applied Sciences was transformed into a University (Hochschule) and in 2008 to a University with the right to award Doctoral Degrees.
Since 2011 the University is officially recognised as the "University of Liechtenstein" (Universität).
Today, the University of Liechtenstein offers full-time Bachelor and Master courses in line with the Bologna-model in the fields of Architecture and Spatial development as well as Economics and Finance.
The university is subdivided into four institutes:
_Architecture and Planning
_Financial Services
_Information Systems
_Architecture and Planning
_Financial Services
_Information Systems